Treating Migraines with Acupuncture - is it Effective?

Treating Migraines with Acupuncture – is it Effective?

If you suffer from migraines or frequent headaches you may be aware that June is Migraine and Headache Awareness month.

Western medicine has many medications for the treatment of migraines, however these generally treat the symptoms without getting to the root cause of these painful headaches.  You may be curious as to whether acupuncture and/or functional medicine is effective in reducing the frequency or severity of these pounding headaches that can impact every area of your life.

Migraines affect people differently

Some may experience intense pain and nausea, while others feel fatigued and are sensitive to light. The pain can seem unbearable, and identifying the triggers can be challenging. With an extensive and thorough health history, we are often able to narrow down the possible triggers, such as stress food additives or allergies, weather changes, hormone imbalance, muscle tension, heavy metals, digestive issues, and/or nutritional deficiencies. Headaches are your body trying to communicate with you that something is off and needs attention.  Traditional Chinese medicine and functional medicine work to identify the imbalance in your body, and once corrected, bring your body back into balance and provide long lasting relief.  In addition, acupuncture and cupping work to relax tight muscles and tension which are extremely useful tools in providing immediate results.

For almost 40 years the World Health Organization has endorsed acupuncture as a legitimate treatment for many types of pain including migraines.  Acupuncture improves blood flow and is known to restore the flow of \”qi\” or positive energy throughout the body.  Because it stimulates the various organs and systems in the body, it brings about a healing response as it releases endorphins or \”feel good\” hormones. Once there is movement (aka circulation) we are able to reduce the inflammation and stagnation to provide instant and preventative pain relief.

In addition to acupuncture, some natural headache remedies include

Magnesium: Several studies have shown that supplementing with magnesium can reduce the frequency and intensity of migraines.  Aim for 200-600 mg daily

Hydration: We all know that dehydration can lead to headaches, focus on staying hydrated throughout the day.  Remember coffee dehydrates you…

Anti-inflammatory diet:  Removing inflammatory foods such as wheat/gluten, corn, soy, dairy, eggs and sugar for 21 days is a great way to clean the slate and see if it improves your headaches.  Remember to reintroduce one at a time to identify which any possible triggers.

Feverfew: Feverfew is an herb that has been shown to reduces the frequency of migraine headaches and headache symptoms, including pain, nausea, vomiting and sensitivity to light and noise.

Butterbur: Butterbur is an herb that reduces the inflammatory effect of chemicals that trigger headaches, especially migraines.

Rest: Umm Duh!

Self Care: massage, epsom salt baths, acupuncture, chiropractic, meditation, exercise, eating right! You know the answer…time to listen to your body.

As we know, no one person is exactly the same. What successfully treats one persons migraines may not work for someone else.  At Points for Wellness, Beth provides you an individualized comprehensive treatment plan that is catered specifically just to YOU.

On its own or used in conjunction with Western medicine, acupuncture is proven to be beneficial for those who suffer from migraines.  To learn more, schedule an appointment, or a free 15 consultation, contact Points for Wellness in today.