Chronic Disease

Raising Awareness for Chronic Disease

In the U.S. 6 in 10 people and 1 in 3 people globally battle some form of chronic disease, making chronic diseases both the leading cause of disability and death in the U.S. July marks Chronic Disease Month and reminds us of the importance of taking care of our health and wellness everyday – no matter where we are on our health journey. Each decision we make can have a significant impact on our health, even if it is not immediate. Understanding chronic disease, prioritizing prevention and quick treatment interventions are vital to helping patients heal and thrive – which we clearly need.


What is Chronic Disease?

Chronic diseases are long lasting and often progressive, lasting a year or more. For some chronic diseases are lifelong chronic illnesses. Some chronic diseases include chronic pain, heart disease, arthritis, asthma, IBS, cancer, depression, diabetes, epilepsy, endometriosis, and MANY more health conditions. While there aren’t really “cures”, the good news is that many chronic diseases are preventable by avoiding risk factors through healthy lifestyle choices and many problems can be alleviated and even eliminated with the right care.


Lifestyle Tips to Limit the Risk of Chronic Diseases

  1. Avoid smoking & tobacco use
  2. Limit alcohol use
  3. Maintain a well balanced, nourishing diet
  4. Prioritize healthy sleeping habits
  5. Create an exercise plan & stay active

Acupuncture, Functional Medicine & Chronic Disease

Acupuncture and Functional Medicine offer a holistic, integrative, and patient centered approach to treating chronic disease. Because chronic disease is incredibly variable depending on each patient and their case, we focus on tailoring each appointment and treatment plan to the patient and their unique health concerns and symptoms.


At Points for Wellness we are patient centered and take a comprehensive and targeted approach to seek and address the root cause of your illness and accompanying symptoms. Instead of simply put band-aids on your ailments, we work with you and your other providers to get to the root cause and prioritize alleviating and eliminating symptoms and illness.


Chronic disease can be challenging and overwhelming. It can feel defeating and so often patients come in feeling hopeless, but our goal is to get to the bottom of what is going on to help you both reduce and eliminate your symptoms and live your life how you want – happily and in good health.


While many chronic diseases are invisible, we promise you are not alone and we are here to help you on your health journey.