The Secret Magic of Castor Oil Therapy

the secret sauce… 

Castor oil therapy has been used for thousands of years in Traditional Chinese Medicine to stimulate blood flow and improve circulation, promote healing, and reduce inflammation. Castor oil comes from India’s native Castor seed (ricinus communis) and is pressed into a healing and multibenefit oil. It is a relatively simple therapeutic method with many benefits, including improving your reproductive system and fertility health! 

Warm castor oil wraps and packs placed over the skin allows easy absorption for optimal benefits by delivering castor oil\’s healing properties directly into the body\’s tissue. Using a warm castor oil wrap on the abdomen stimulates blood flow to the uterus and ovaries to promote health and healing. When scar tissue, adhesions, fibroids, ovarian cysts, blocked fallopian tubes, PID, Asherman’s Syndrome, and similar conditions are present, castor oil therapy helps to stimulate improved blood flow vital to healing and pain relief. Along with acupuncture, castor oil packs are one of the easiest therapies to help improve the overall health and functioning of the reproductive system and fertility.

So how do castor oil packs actually work to improve reproductive health and fertility? There are five main ways that these magical yet simple packs work to promote improved and optimal health for both fertility and the reproductive system! 


The 5 Key Ways Castor Oil Packs Improve Reproductive Health & Fertility

Increases Circulation

Castor Oil Therapy stimulates the circulatory system, allowing freshly oxygenated blood to flow through the abdomen/pelvis and nourishe the reproductive organs – ovaries, fallopian tubes, and uterus – promoting proper functioning. When there is a lack of circulation to these organs, it prevents them from properly healing which can cause damage resulting in developing excessive scar tissue and adhesions.

Used in conjunction with acupuncture and Chinese Medicine, castor oil packs can powerfully optimize circulation and naturally support egg health and healthy reproductive organ function.

Boosts Immune System Function

The lymphatic system continuously fights to defend the body from disease and infection. Lymph nodes surrounding reproductive organs are home to lymphocytes (lymph cells) and lymph (fluid), comprising the body’s immune system. Applying a castor oil pack over the lower abdomen helps stimulate the lymph movement throughout the reproductive area. Ultimately, castor oil therapy works to flush out toxins from the area helping to cleanse the reproductive organs for optimal functioning.

Promotes Detoxification

Liver health is the key to a properly functioning lymphatic system. It works to remove hormones, drugs, and other biologically active molecules from the blood and makes 1/3 to 1/2 of all lymph!  When the liver is overwhelmed from poor diet, unhealthy lifestyle choices, remaining sedentary, or exposure to xenohormones, it is unable to adequately function, or produce lymph. Without adequate functioning, hormonal imbalance and disease are bound to occur.

In Chinese medicine, the Liver meridian is of paramount importance in women’s reproductive health because of its relationship with the uterus and blood. By increasing circulation to the liver, detoxification occurs resulting in improved liver function.  

Reduces Inflammation & Pain

The combination of a lack in circulation and poor immune system function result in sluggish lymph flow or congested lymph glands and an overburdened liver contributing to inflammation and pain. This is common with fertility issues due to the presence of inflammation such as ovarian cysts, blocked fallopian tubes, uterine fibroids, PID, PCOS, and Asherman’s syndrome. As an at-home therapy, castor oil packs are a great support to use along-side acupuncture in a natural and holistic approach to women’s health and fertility.

Relieves Stress

One of the most significant benefits of castor oil therapy is its aid in reducing stress.  As you can guess, stress has a profound impact on those dealing with infertility and reproductive health concerns. By helping you to temporarily step away from routine, daily demands and stressful forces, you are able to be present with yourself and body, allowing you vital rest and relaxation.


When should you use a castor oil pack?

Castor Oil Therapy is typically done over a course of 8-16 weeks, with a 45-60 minute treatment 3-5 times per week. Patients that are trying to conceive should not castor oil therapy following ovulation.  If you are in an active IVF cycle, you should consult with us prior to this therapy.  

For patients with endometriosis, PCOS, or ovarian cysts you should notice improvement during the first two menstrual cycles. During this time ovarian pain and menstrual discomfort should decrease considerably. As you notice improvement, taper slowly taper off your therapy by decreasing the number of sessions per week. 


  • Castor oil should not be taken internally. It causes severe abdominal spasms and can stimulate uterine contractions resulting in miscarriage.
  • Do not apply a castor oil pack on broken skin.

How to Apply a Castor Oil Pack

  1. Saturate a piece of cotton flannel in cold-pressed, pure castor oil (approximately 1 cup)
  2. Place the saturated material directly on the skin over the lower abdomen, making sure to include the liver & the uterus
  3. Cover the section with plastic wrap and place a towel on top
  4. Add a gentle heat source on top of the wrap – hot water bottle or heating pad
  5. Lie down and rest for an hour

For a Quick and Easy Castor Oil Pack

  1. Rub 1-2 tablespoons of castor oil on abdomen 
  2. Place a towel on top of oil 
  3. Set a hot water bottle or heating pad on top of towel and rest for 45 minutes

Outside of fertility and reproductive health, castor oil therapy offers many benefits including healing, anti-inflammatory properties, pain and tension relief. No matter what the reason for use, castor oil therapy ultimately offers a quiet and restful time for you to work on your healing and health journey! Have questions about your therapy? Call Points for Wellness Santa Cruz and Soquel or book an appointment!