What to Expect From Fertility Acupuncture

For many couples, becoming pregnant can seem like a dream that feels unattainable. Both women and men can often have issues that impact fertility, but it doesn\’t mean having a baby is impossible. Our goal is to educate you about what fertility acupuncture is, and what you can expect from the integration of modern western medicine and ancient Chinese practices.

Can acupuncture really help improve fertility? The short answer is yes. We have been treating fertility in the and Soquel area since 2006, and the integration of Chinese medicine for fertility treatments has grown leaps and bounds. It has become widely accepted and is often used to enhance fertility for both natural and assisted reproductive techniques.

How does acupuncture enhance fertility? Most couples are under tremendous stress when focusing so hard on becoming pregnant. Coupled with the hectic, stressful lives many of us live today, it can have a huge impact on fertility. Acupuncture is known for promoting relaxation and reducing stress. Specifically, acupuncture for fertility increases blood flow which nourishes the endometrial lining of the uterus and encourages healthy egg production by stimulating the ovaries. For men who have issues such as low sperm count, morphology, or motility, acupuncture and herbal medicine improves these and other fertility problems.

Sterile, hair-thin needles are gently inserted at key acupuncture points that conduct energy through the body\’s meridians, working to regulate physical, emotional, and spiritual balance. This is vital for good health, as imbalances in the flow of energy results in disease and health issues that impact fertility.

Fertility acupuncture involves a thorough analysis of your current health, menstrual cycles, emotional state, nutrition, and more. Your pulse will be taken, and your tongue examined for texture, color, coating, and other things that can enlighten the acupuncturist regarding your health. All of this helps establish a pattern, so it\’s possible to know exactly where the imbalance exists, therefore getting to the root cause. Acupuncture points are based on your unique pattern and commonly include the abdomen, ear, feet, legs, hands, or head.

At Points for Wellness, we become your partner, so you don’t have to navigate the process on your own. We help guide you in the fertility process by educating you about the process, your body, the treatment options and how they work and affect your body. Together we become a team so that you feel supported and able to make the best choices that align with you and your partner. The fertility journey can be a lonely one, we are here for you!

In treating fertility issues acupuncture is generally performed three to four times a month, so about once each week. Whether you are trying to conceive the naturally or through IVF or IUI, acupuncture significantly improves success

rates. It is a very relaxing experience that restores balance and helps address conditions such as endometriosis, PCOS, irregular cycles, low sperm count and others that often result in infertility.

If you are in the or Soquel area and are interested in learning how an integrative approach involving nutrition, herbal supplements, lifestyle changes and acupuncture might benefit you, we invite you to contact Points for Wellness today. Still curious how we may be able to help, email us for a free 15 phone consultation today.