Acupuncture for Miscarriage

Acupuncture for Miscarriage

Seeing a positive a pregnancy test generally brings extreme joy, excitement, and relief.

For some couples, that initial feeling can quickly change to nervousness, worry, and even grief.  Why such a shift? Many couples know that there is a risk with pregnancy, as miscarriage occurs in 15-25% of known pregnancies. Other women may have already had an experience with a loss as about 1% of women suffer from repeat miscarriages. Of course all of these feelings are completely normal, but have hope; many women who experience a miscarriage, go on to enjoy a healthy pregnancy.

What causes miscarriages?

While one of the most common causes of miscarriage is the age of the women, it is important to be aware of the other factors that can contribute to a miscarriage.  Even though the exact cause of a miscarriage is not always known, information is always a powerful tool.

  • Chromosomal abnormalities: this accounts for 50-75% of pregnancy losses.
  • Immune conditions: auto immune conditions such as lupus, anti-cardiolipin antibody, anti-phospholipid antibody, anti-thyroid antibodies, and antinuclear antibodies, anti-sperm antibodies, and increased natural killer cells can all be causes of recurrent pregnancy loss.
  • Hormonal imbalances: hyper or hypo thyroid, progesterone deficiency, PCOS, or uncontrolled diabetes. . This is why fertility acupuncture is so important as it promotes the proper balance hormones which addresses any issues prior to getting pregnant. Pregnancy is so much more than a positive pregnancy test, it’s about a live birth.
  • Anatomical factors: such as polyps, abnormal uterus, uterine fibroids, adhesions, or congenital defects, can result in miscarriage or complications later in pregnancy.
  • Infections: bacterial vaginosis, UTI, pelvic inflammatory disease
  • Lifestyle factors: Some lifestyle habits, such as drug abuse, alcohol use during pregnancy, and smoking have been found to be causes of early miscarriage—and pregnancy loss in later trimesters as well.

Can Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine help to prevent miscarriages?

Preparing the nest is essential when trying to get pregnant. We must first nourish the soil in order to prepare for life. In other words, the goal with Chinese medicine is to focus on optimal health prior to conception. During the preconception phase, our goal is to prep the body for so it is in it’s optimal state to support a pregnancy.  The treatment strategies focus on correcting issues caused by aging, hormonal imbalances, a proper working immune system, increasing circulation to the reproductive organs, and removing blockages. The fertile potential for the couple increases in both the egg and the sperm, the environment becomes hospitable, emotions have been supported which all lead to a robust embryo, and then implantation of that healthy embryo. This is all supported by Chinese medicine; acupuncture and herbs.

Other than preparing the body for pregnancy, other options for preventing miscarriage include:

  • Eating a healthy, nutritious diet to support your health, balance hormones and create a healthy environment for your baby.
  • Healthy lifestyle: no smoking, alcohol, drugs or caffeine.
  • Herbal medicine and supplements that help reduce stress, promote healthy hormone levels, and support overall health and strength throughout the body.
  • Acupuncture can greatly reduces stress, clear the energy pathways in the body, and promote a healthier reproductive environment by enhancing blood flow and helping balance hormones.

At Points for Wellness our goal is to help promote fertility and overall wellness so that you can realize your dream of having a healthy baby.