PCOS and Fertility

PCOS and Fertility

PCOS, or polycystic ovary syndrome, is a condition that\’s common among women of child-bearing age and often impacts fertility. There is no known specific cause of PCOS, but what doctors do know is that an imbalance of female sex hormones plays a role. If you suffer from polycystic ovary syndrome does it mean you will forever be infertile? According to the U.S. Office on Women\’s Health (OWH), it is a \”common and treatable cause of infertility.\”

What exactly is PCOS:

PCOS can be a very complicated condition, but the basics are that polycystic ovary syndrome is a metabolic disorder that can cause hormonal imbalances and a whole array of symptoms such as:

Irregular or absent periods
Fertility problems
Hair loss
Weight gain
Excess facial hair
High blood pressure
Mood swings

These conditions can all be mild or severe, and yours may not be the same as another women with PCOS-there are so many symptoms that you can end up with a combination that’s very specific to you, even if the underlying cause in PCOS cases is the same.

No one is really sure why women with PCOS can’t produce the correct balance of hormones so that an ovary can develop and release an egg. There are several theories, including those that suggest that inappropriate levels of the hormones testosterone, insulin, cortisol, and LH are the culprits, but the general consensus is that PCOS is most likely a disorder that runs in families. Factors such as diet, lifestyle, weight, and pollution also contribute to the development and severity of your symptoms, all of which you can change with diet and lifestyle. You can start to be the driver of your hormonal life to maximize your chances of health and fertility.

How PCOS affects your fertility

You might assume that if you have polycystic ovary syndrome means that you are infertile. This isn\’t necessarily true, as some with this condition are still fertile, although it may take longer to conceive. This is because of irregular periods and anovulation, which simply means failure of an egg to release from the ovary on a regular basis. High levels of insulin and male hormones (androgens) are often responsible for irregular menstrual cycles. If you have PCOS and are having problems with ovulation, you are not infertile-you have a condition known as sub fertility. Getting pregnant might not be as simple for you as it is for some women, but it’s by no means an impossible feat.

What can you do if you have PCOS?

At Points for Wellness, we use Chinese and functional medicine to get to the root cause of PCOS instead of simply treating the symptoms presented. It is possible to overcome hormonal imbalances and other problems that impact fertility through customized treatment plans that target nutrition, medicinal herbs, stress reduction, lifestyle changes and more. In addition, acupuncture works to unblock or \”free\” any stagnancies in the energy meridians in the body, improve blood flow to the uterus, support healthy eggs, reduce stress, promote relaxation and so much more. Most people do not realize the power of natural herbs and functional medicine for promoting health and supporting fertility.

If you are a woman with PCOS concerned about your fertility, we invite you to learn more about the power of holistic medicine and why it\’s important to treat the body as a whole, rather than focus on symptoms. Empower your life AND your fertility!